
New Frocks

I'm beginning to love bargain shopping. Just bagged myself a frock for $40 which is normally $189. Rah!
It's really nice and I'm going to wear it till it falls apart, as it is so me.
Of course, it's black so I can still feed the goth in me.
D is having second thoughts about going away for Easter. He's looking really tired.
Kate tried to wake him a few times this morning, and finally I took her out to give him some peace.
Maybe he needs more sleep, or more exercise, who knows.
Kate is alseep on the sofa at the moment, so gorgeous. I got a cable for the video camera yesterday. Had a bad morning with Kate, she was tired and grumpy and so was I.
Was so angry with everything my hands were shaking. Calmed down in the afternoon with a trip to the park. It worked. Thank goodness!


Happy Dance!

Wow! One of my papers has been accepted! So the struggle was worth it. I have to rewrite it yet, but all going well, la famille Chatteur will be off to Spain in July. We'll certainly go to see the family while we're there. It's such good news I now have to knuckle down and do some serious work on things.
Anyway big rah for us! Hope they like the rewrite, as they want it even shorter...
You know there's no resting on laurels, is there?
I bought Finding Nemo for Kate the other day, and now I know the source of the saying "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."