
Play days

It's getting cooler, no longer the balmy weather of the past few weeks, and swimming from now on will require effort and fortitude.
Poured rain this morning, so in an attempt to avert the inevitable TV watching I took ickle one to Playdays. Excellent! They're under new management, and the floor has been resurfaced. We got a free pass in the mail, so why not use it on a rainy day. Many ball pits, swings, wendy houses, cars and slides later it was time to go home. She was having such a good time, but my goodness, what a tantrum.
She literally screamed all the way home and then cried for about 20 minutes. I cooked a magnificent chicken dish with olives, tomato and mash and she ate heaps. Hungry and tired. She fell asleep in my arms around 1pm. Still sleeping at half four.
DJ slept in today while we were away, so he's happy happy. Me, I'm slugging through the marking. I should get it all done, but what a chore!

And I've still the lunch dishes to do. Wind's picked up. Going to be a blowy night methinks.

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