
BBQs and springtime

Spring is here at last. The wisteria are in full bloom over the archway outside of ours. The jasmine flowering in the bush nearby infuse the air with a glorious scent.
Dj has just got a new job at Easts over in Bondi, so he's ever so happy. His first pay arrived today.
My brother Steve has scored his first job in (wait for it) 8 years! So I can stop worrying on that score also.
I'm looking forward to swimming again. I need to cut out the carbs and get some fitness in.
My friend Mark and his wife Marlin are over from England and we had a lovely BBQ at his folk's place. So good to see him again. They look very happy.
Also need to concentrate on the PhD. Very exhausted. Kate is unwell. I'm not too good either, think I'm coming down with a cold.
Will probably get her gastro in a few days too.

Roll on vacation.


Too busy to scratch meself

I've been given heaps of hours at work at the moment, and I'm sooo busy. Too busy to scratch myself.
I use my spare time in class just keeping up with the marking.
Run away!


Tales of mundane humanity

I worry about the absolute shlock encompassed and propogated by our daily newspapers. I used to live and breathe news, but really. The banal humanity of our daily lives. The shocking acts of betrayal. The bare arsed rump of humanity exposed in all its ugliness.
Life is and remains a wonderful treasure. But the daily tabloids would sully, disfigure, dismember all that is beautiful and just and right about life. It's the daily uglies. The daily horror.
I'm getting so that I avoid the newspapers, the nightly TV news horror report. The tales of mundane humans filling their mundane lives with pond scum. Why do we raise the ugly above the wonderous beauty and love that is all that life is?
Much better to smell the wonderous scent of the garden that I have nurtured for the past few years. To enjoy the perfume of spring while carrying my slumbering child inside to bed. To treaasure, to enjoy, to cherish every living moment that I have on this earth.

On another note, a colleague did a talk today on his wonderful tool that his has developed to help the analysis and visualisation of content analysis. He has his tool on his website that you can download. Yep. The page is in Arabic. Ha ha ha!