
Cool! Slideshow!

Blogger now has a slideshow! How lovely!
Okay, so I'm skivving again, but I am in the middle of transcribing some videotapes, which is dull, dull dull. I've got to write some emails today or tonight and start writing my thesis in earnest. But I'm actually starting to see some progress at long last, so I'm optimistic.
Finances are a bit of a disaster right now, but I have to hold the courage, keep the bit between the teeth and don't let on how dire things are. If it gets worse, I'll have to quit studying and get a proper job. Oh well. (Of course I'm over reacting but I always do).
Lovely is sleeping, she had a temperature last night, but she appears ok this morning. She's got a bruise on the sole of her foot too, I suspect gravel in shoe. That's why she wants carrying everywhere at the moment. Ouch.
I start teaching again this week, the load is a lot lighter than last semester, and my health is better (thank goodness) so all's good. I love teaching animation. Fun and can't take it too seriously.
Anyways transcribing awaits, so I'm off to finish it.

I wonder if anyone actually reads these posts? I might put a poll up to find out.

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