
I've got Friday on my mind

So much for posting every day. Yesterday was very busy. Went to uni in the morning and did some research, then popped home for an hour and then to TAFE to teach.
The digital media students are very good and threaten to keep me on my toes.
Berber was in a mood when I came home, exacerbated by him leaving around dinner time and coming home from the shops a little late, too late for K's dinner. So she got all cross and screamy, the Berber got all stressed and nothing went too well.

Oh dear.
Today is another day.
Quite a good one really. Sun is out, sky is blue.
Our single mum neighbour has just been over for coffee with gorgeous 13 week old baby. Very sweet. Ran around like a headless chook this morning cleaning and ironing and all domestic bliss.
Not very interesting really. Study tonight. All's good.


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