

Went to the pool today with Natasha and her baby Olivia. Did laps while Kate stayed in the creche.
Djamel could have looked after her, but he was grumpy and sleeping so I left things as organised. He seemed surprised that I'd gotten so active, but it's all good. Did many laps. Feel good. Small muscles in back are stiff and are probably working well for the first time in ages.
We had lunch together, which probably undid all the good work. The first cafe we parked at completely ignored us, so we went to another. Ignorant peeps. Makes me cross, being ignored by waiting staff.
I'm *holds fingers together* this close to getting my PhD probation approved. I've sent emails to Mary and organised the paperwork to be signed by someone in Sydney, but I haven't heard from her.
I hope she doesn't disappear like she sometimes does, or I'll be in trouble. I know she's around.

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