
Feeling better

I'm actually starting to feel better. I've had a horrible cough for the past two months, and my Doctor thinks it might have been whooping cough (but I think that's bollocks) mostly to the fact that it hasn't cleared up. Had a chest x-ray last week just to make sure it wasn't something more serious.
What really helped was a super early night I had on Wednesday when I was supposed to be working on a paper (sorry Lucila). Woke up and the cough is still there but muchly reduced. I've taken a well deserved week off and spent some quality time with Djamel and Kate.
Kate has become a Daddy's girl and Mummy doesn't cut it anymore. :(
Djamel's quite liking it and I now feel how he was feeling at the beginning of things, so it's quite a good balance really.
Met with the Prof last week and he agreed to be an associate supervisor. Yay! Mary is hard to contact and is very busy so this is a good thing.
I took Kate and he was very sweet about the whole thing, if not a little bemused. Okay, Xmas is on its way, presents to be bought etc etc. My sister and her husband had celebrated the last day in their jobs today, due to the liquidation, so a new chapter in their lives too, methinks.
So change, ever change.

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