
Xmas is finally over!

Something goes a bit wrong at Xmas time. I once spoke to a policeman and asked it what it was like working on Xmas day. He said "Oh, usually quiet in the morning, couple of murders in the afternoon." I was astounded and he added "well, you get families together, you know."
Our Xmas was a riot of eating more than anything. The Xmas spirit a little lacking chez ma soeur, as she and hubby have lost their jobs due to the mill closing down. I'm sure it's all going to work out, they're just not used to the uncertain times.
My heart goes out to them, they look so stressed and unhappy.
Hubby somewhat underwhelmed by Xmas chez Kerr and vows not to do it again. He might have a point, at that.
New Year tomorrow, I wonder what that will bring?

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