
New Frocks

I'm beginning to love bargain shopping. Just bagged myself a frock for $40 which is normally $189. Rah!
It's really nice and I'm going to wear it till it falls apart, as it is so me.
Of course, it's black so I can still feed the goth in me.
D is having second thoughts about going away for Easter. He's looking really tired.
Kate tried to wake him a few times this morning, and finally I took her out to give him some peace.
Maybe he needs more sleep, or more exercise, who knows.
Kate is alseep on the sofa at the moment, so gorgeous. I got a cable for the video camera yesterday. Had a bad morning with Kate, she was tired and grumpy and so was I.
Was so angry with everything my hands were shaking. Calmed down in the afternoon with a trip to the park. It worked. Thank goodness!

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