
Post Easter Shenanigans

Well we went to Canberra for Easter and had a lovely lovely time.
Unfortunately Kate's been a little ill, but she's slowly recovering, although it's taking it's own sweet time. Picked up a belly bug from my brother.
I've been madly doing my camera ready paper for the conference in Spain, and it's in and done, so rah! Now all I have to do is work out how we're going to get there...
Money is tight, but we'll manage. We're hoping to go to Algeria to see the family at the same time, so I think it's all going to be heaps of fun.
I'm beginning to wonder if we'll be able to go to the UK, is all. Mmmm. I'd love to catch up with everyone, but I guess we'll see how it goes.
Jon and Madhu popped in on their way back to the US the other night. Must admit that absolutely made my year. The kids were with them and they're just lovely! Happy dance.
They literally could only do half an hour, but I was really stoked that they could come. I would have been devastated if I couldn't have seen them. I really miss them.
Anyways onwards and upwards. Must rewrite my methodology. Am trying to gain access to online forums, need to chase some more up.

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