
Technology and transcriptions

I wonder why anyone would add a link to the title of their blog. More transcribing, did another interview yesterday. I've been hanging around like a bad smell waiting for Kaz to show up for his second talk aloud. He no show. I shall gently berate him later when I see him. Maybe he's sick. Andy was late today, but there's not much to report. Starting the second tranche of talk alouds. Need to find two more educators and two more experienced web designers.
Shall look up massive again and try the Lilian lady. Must also contact the lovely Mr. Goodyear and see if he can help. Hmm. Did a thing with one of the fellow post grads about to-do lists. Very interesting.
DJ's doing yet another course next week. Let's see what transpires of that. Hope it works for him. Fingers crossed.

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