

The infant is sleeping after a horrible night. Not that she's sick or anything, just being a naughty girl. I'm also trying to get her not to scream at me when I'm on the computer, which resulted in me loosing my patience (but not my temper, thankfully) and placing said infant in her room till she calmed down. Of course she fell asleep after some time screaming and is now catching up on her zzzzz's. Her temper must have been caused by lack of sleep. (Says she, in a mode of wishful thinking).
Yesterday I blitzed the housework. Did about 3 hours ironing, cleaned bathroom, did washing, cleaned kitchen, made beds. The lounge is still a wreck but the rest of it is in good shape.
I also removed some boxes from the kitchen which had become nothing more than roach habitats. Yes, dear people in England who may be reading this, Sydney is cockroach captial. It's something the folk in the UK can't cope with, our plethora of insect life here. It doesn't mean you're dirty, or a bad housekeeper, you just have to share your habitat with some unwelcome guests. Either that or cover every surface with insecticide, which is decidedly NOT good for baby.
Either that or get a lizard. Which remindes me, we have a large bluetongue lizard living underneath our front balcony. He's very shy, and also very large, about 30cm long and about 10cm wide. The local cats sit outside his burrow but I don't think they've got him yet.
Our house, which was supposed to be settling on Wednesday is settling today, (I hope). Then it's up to the lovely Lyn who is our agent to get us a tenant, and Bob's our uncle. Or something.
The Berber is upset today due to the horrible bombings in Algiers yesterday. Absolutely horrific. Something like 30 dead. Omar is going to see his family there next week, and they're both a bit worried about safety at the moment. Hope it doesn't kick off like it did a few years ago. That would be terrible.
D still insists he's going but definitely doesn't want us to go. He says it's miserable there at the moment. I suspect it's reprisals for the government offensive they've been pursuing over the past couple of months.

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